Motivational Interviewing

Client-Centered Therapy to Explore and Amplify Motivation for Positive Transformation

What is Motivational Interviewing?

Motivational Interviewing is a goal-oriented and empathetic style of counseling that helps clients explore their ambivalence towards change. It is particularly effective in addressing behaviors or habits that may be hindering personal growth and well-being. Through a non-confrontational and supportive approach, clients are encouraged to find their intrinsic motivation for positive change.

How Does Motivational Interviewing Work?

When Motivational Interviewing is used in session, you can expect:

  • Exploring Ambivalence: Addressing mixed feelings or uncertainty about change and its benefits.

  • Enhancing Intrinsic Motivation: Identifying and reinforcing internal motivations for positive change.

  • Emphasizing Autonomy: Respecting your autonomy and empowering you to make informed decisions.

  • Goal Setting: Collaboratively setting realistic and achievable goals.

What Concerns Can DBT Address?

Motivational Interviewing can be effective in addressing various concerns, including:

  • Addiction and Substance Use: Exploring ambivalence towards change in addictive behaviors.

  • Health Behavior Change: Supporting clients in adopting healthier lifestyle choices.

  • Mental Health Treatment Engagement: Encouraging motivation for seeking and engaging in mental health treatment.

  • Self-Improvement Goals: Building motivation for personal growth and self-improvement.

Benefits of Motivational Interviewing

  • Client-Centered Approach: Putting you at the center of the therapeutic process and honoring your perspectives and goals.

  • Empowering Change: Encouraging self-discovery and empowering you to take steps towards positive change.

  • Non-Judgmental Environment: Providing a safe and non-judgmental space for exploring ambivalence.

  • Collaborative Process: Working together to find solutions and set achievable goals.

Is Motivational Interviewing Right for You?

If you find yourself feeling ambivalent about making changes in your life or are seeking motivation to achieve your goals, Motivational Interviewing may be a valuable approach for you.

To learn more about Motivational Interviewing or to schedule an appointment, please contact us today.

Lonely man by the lake | Motivational Intervewing at Hope Valley