Frequently Asked Questions

Explore our compilation of frequently asked questions (FAQs), addressing the most common inquiries we receive.

  • One-hour individual psychotherapy sessions are $150 (tax included). One-hour couples or family psychotherapy sessions are $175 (tax included). Two-hour sessions are available upon request at a separate rate. Ifyou do not have insurance coverage and require financial grace, a sliding scale starting at $75 is available. Please be advised that proof of income may be required to access the sliding scale rate.

  • If your insurance offers coverage for Registered Psychotherapy, you will find all the necessary information to submit the claim on your receipt. At the moment, we do not offer direct billing to insurance companies.

  • Jenny offers virtual, in-person, and telephone sessions for clients! She leaves it up to the client to decide which type is the most suitable for each unique person.

  • Did you know that rainy walks have amazing benefits for human health? With Jenny’s certification in Ecotherapy, clients are encouraged to embrace the outdoors, even when the weather is not sunny. We also keep various rain gear on site just for that occasion! However, If you do not wish to venture out into the rain, then not to worry - we can switch our session indoors. There are various covered seating areas around the farm, as well as our therapy space located in the converted century-old milkhouse.

  • Hope Valley Psychotherapy is located on a 100-acre farm down a quiet road with farm fields flanking three sides of the property. Although there is never a 100% guarantee of privacy, the odds of clients coming across a stranger on the trails would be extremely unlikely. In fact, the property is so remote that clients have better odds of coming across a deer than a person.

  • Jenny would be more than happy to answer any questions or concerns. The best way to contact her is through email via and she will respond within 48 business hours. If a phone chat or virtual chat is more comfortable, that can be arranged as well.

  • Hope Valley Psychotherapy takes pride in working on the biological, psychological, and social well being of a person. With that in mind, we diligently work towards offering a well rounded list of services that go beyond psychotherapy. Some of our offerings include (but are not exclusive to):

    Meal planning sessions

    Brain/body wellness packages

    Psychoeducation events (online and in person)

    Children and teens’ skills building workshops

    Group therapy with various themes for all ages

    Therapeutic nature-based programs

    Please stay tuned for a calendar of events feature, coming soon!

  • Hope Valley Psychotherapy is proud to offer various ways to stay in the loop. The following social media avenues will keep you up to date on exciting news and programs:



  • Just because a client loves nature, does not mean they enjoy animals - and that’s ok! Everyone has their own level of comfort with animals, and there is no judgment about that. If you would not like to interact with the resident dogs, please let Jenny know BEFORE your session and the dogs will be put away so that your visit to the farm can be comfortable for you.

Got more questions? No worries, we're here to help!